2011 contest period:
Date: 12./13. August 2011 Time period for 48 hours: start 12.August 00:00hrs till end 13.August 2010 23:59hrs "UT" (End time of the last complete QSO).
Reference data for 2011 by the IMO.
expected Perseids Maximum 2011: August 13th. 07:09UT with a expected ZHR of 100.
Logs must be received at the latest by September 15th. 2011. Please send them to: mssprint [at] mmmonvhf.de Subject: MSSPRINT "CALL" The MMMonVHF-Team, in cooperation with the DUBUS and Funk-Telegramm Team, intends to launch this contest to increase the activity on Meteor Scatter, as the Perseids are one of the best Meteor Showers of the year. Note: There are no single or multi operator classes, and no extra points for "QSY QSO's". AM nor FM QSO's are allowed. It is only allowed to participate in one class. The classes are described here below.
Category 1: QRP - Stations who have a set-up which may produce a maximum ERP of 1.5 kW (= 2.5 kW EIRP
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