The following procedure is based on the IARU Region 1 MS procedure and is recommended to ensure your QSO is completed correctly and possibly quickly too :-
A FSK441 scheduled QSO typically starts with each station sending both calls only.
A report is sent when positive evidence of having received the correspondent's or own call sign or parts of one of them.
e.g. SP9HWY G0CHE 27 27
If you have received both calls and a report, send both calls , R plus your signal report.
e.g. SP9HWY G0CHE R27 R27
If you have received R plus signal report, send RRRR RRRR and your call
If you have received RRR's - that is, a definite acknowledgment of all of your information - the QSO is officially complete. However, the other station may not know this, so it is conventional to send 73s (or some other information) to signify that you are done.
e.g. 73 G0CHE or 73 TNX CHE or 73 IO90PSetc.
If you are calling CQ on the random calling QRG or elsewhere you would send :
CQ plus your call or you may also add your locator.
e.g. CQ G0CHE or CQ G0CHE IO90PS etc.
You can also send your QSY frequency in the CQ call if on the random QRG
e.g.CQ 235 G0CHE where 235 is the frequency you will listen for reply AND qsy to when reply heard (TX/RX).
MS QSO report consists of two numbers:
First number (burst duration) Second number (signal strength)
2 : up to 0,5 s 6 : below S2 or below 5 dB Note that the number "1" is not used as the first number/burst duration.
3 : 0,5 - 1 s. 7 : from S2 to S3 or from 5 dB to 10 dB Maximum duration of a ping (Under dense Reflection): 1000mS
4 : 1 - 5 s 8 : from S4 to S5 or from 10 dB to 15 dB This is from IARU VHF Handbook V5.11 2006 which can be found here
5 : longer than 5 s 9 : above S5 or above 15 dB
So if you have just heard report and both calls you're response will be R+report and both calls
e.g. you send SP9HWY G0CHE or SP9HWY G0CHE27 27 and you hear G0CHE SP9HWY 36 36 - you respond with SP9HWY G0CHE R27 R27
Alternatively, if you are already sending report and both calls and you hear R+report (and both calls) your response is RRRR RRRR + your call
e.g. you are sending SP9HWY G0CHE 27 27 and you hear G0CHE SP9HWY R36 R36 - you respond with RRRR RRRR G0CHE
Response to hearing RRRR RRRR +call sign is usually something like 73 TNX
Your QSO will be completed much quicker if you follow the above guidelines which are compliant with IARU Region 1 MS Procedure.
Do not reply to R+report with R+report. i.e. do not repeat received message - proceed to the next appropriate message.
Remember that the report is based on the first signal heard from your QSO partner. Do not change it later in the QSO, even if conditions change, say from MS to ES, or an extremely long MS burst, as it may cause confusion to your QSO partner.
The International Amateur Radio Union Region 1 VHF Managers Handbook states "A valid contact is one where both operators have copied both call signs, the report and an unambiguous confirmation. However no recourse should be made during the contact to obtain the required information, change of frequency, antenna direction, etc. via other methods such as the DX Cluster, talk-back on another band, etc. Such secondary methods invalidate the meteor scatter contact. In essence: if anything concerning the ongoing QSO attempt is agreed through other means than the QSO attempt frequency a new start is required."
Note that a different procedure is used in North America.
Full IARU MS procedure can be viewed here
To summarise, you only respond with the next Msg to what you have just decoded - simple !