Главная » 2010 » Август » 26 » 4O3A - 144MHz Tropo from JN92HJ
14:33 4O3A - 144MHz Tropo from JN92HJ |
4O3A - 144MHz Tropo from JN92HJ Most of VHF guys know that Montenegro is one of the most rear and hardest countries to be worked tropo on VHF. Marginal direction and mountain terrain makes it difficult. With goal to make as much possible QSOs all over the Europe, we will be active in IARU VHF contest 04/05 September 2010, CW and SSB from Obosnik hill. We will use four antenna systems and high power in each. Will transmit in four direction at the same time, and will have two operators on two transceivers - each one taking care about two directions http://www.4o3a.com/vhf/yt6a-contest-station-design.html We will transmit all the time, without any search and pounce, and if propagation will be any better than average, many Europeans should work us easily. Just check our CQ frequency - 144215 and be sure that we and CQing. On WEB site www.4o3a.com we will upload map with signal strength coverage from our location toward Europe, and you can see what possibility you have to work us. For this occasion we will send special QSL card directly to anyone who just sends us an email with mailing address and as always - log will be on LoTW immediately after the contest. For any additional info send me email on 4o3a@t-com.me Ranko - 4O3A |
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